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Essentials you should know about MongoDB.


  • MongoDB is a schema-less and document-oriented NoSQL database.
  • MongoDB uses documents instead of tables.
  • Mongo DB combines documents to collections.
  • The documents may have different structures. The structure is created during runtime.

Examples - database content

  • In the case of PLOSSYS 5, MongoDB contains the data of printers and jobs.
  • In the case of SEAL Print Client, MongoDB contains the complete data, e. g. documents, panels, tasks, user settings and other.

Windows - Directories and Files

MongoDB uses the following directories and files:

  • Installation directory: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6
  • Configuration file: C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\mongod.conf
  • Data directory: C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\data\seal-mongodb
  • Log file: C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\log\mongod.log

Linux - Directories and Files

MongoDB uses the following directories and files:

  • Installation directory: /usr/bin
  • Configuration files:
    • seal-specific: /opt/seal/etc/mongod.conf
    • original from MongoDB: /etc/mongod.conf.orig
  • Data directory: /opt/seal/data/seal-mongodb
  • Log file: /var/log/seal/mongod.log

Database Backup

You may use different ways to back up your database, for example:

  • Copy the database files
  • Call the mongodump program

Literature - database backup

For further information, refer to the original MongoDB documentation.

Access Methods

You may use different ways to access your database:

  • The mongo command line tool
  • Different user interfaces offered by several software vendors.

    For more information, refer to the original MongoDB documentation.

Caution - writing

Be careful when writing into the database!

Securing MongoDB

For details on securing MongoDB, refer to:

User Authentication

After the installation, the user authentication of MongoDB is disabled. In order to secure MongoDB, you can activate the user authentication. For this, execute the following script in an administrator Windows command prompt:

C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\infrastructure\seal-mongodb\secure-mongo.ps1

MongoDB in a PLOSSYS 5 Cluster

If you run MongoDB in a PLOSSYS 5 cluster, the data stored in the database are distributed. Therefore, a failure of a MongoDB node does not affect the integrity of the database.

For details on the configuration MongoDB in a cluster, refer to

Hint - cluster

Databases within a PLOSSYS 5 cluster are synchronized automatically. Therefore you need to add or change data on one of the servers only.

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